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When does the cervix close after a miscarriage?

When does the cervix close after a miscarriage, and how long does it take for the uterus to return to its normal position after a miscarriage? As miscarriage experiences are very difficult experiences for a woman on a physical and emotional level as well, as it causes fluctuations in the body’s hormones in addition to heavy bleeding that a woman may experience exhaustion and psychological fluctuations, and through this article, we will talk about the time it takes for the cervix to close after Abortion.

What is an abortion?

Abortion is the termination and non-continuation of pregnancy in the stages of pregnancy that precede the twentieth week of pregnancy, and abortion, in this case, can be called spontaneous abortion or a case of early pregnancy failure. Abortion occurs because the fetus does not naturally develop from the egg, especially during the early stages of pregnancy. Abortion can also occur due to the cessation of fetal growth and the sudden stop of the fetus’s heart before the abortion takes place, a period that may belong for weeks or short days, and bleeding is the most important sign of miscarriage on Although most cases of bleeding may not end in miscarriage, miscarriage is diagnosed in the modern era through ultrasound devices that can detect, through special tools, that the fetal heart has stopped working or its growth has stopped before the abortion actually occurs. As for earlier, the diagnosis of miscarriage was not possible. Except after severe bleeding and the exit of the fetus and the membranes accompanying it.

When does the cervix close after a miscarriage?

If the abortion occurred during the first three months without complications, the recovery from the abortion, the expulsion of all the fetal tissue, and the closure of the cervix takes place within one to two weeks and is accompanied by strong uterine contractions and profuse bleeding. But if the abortion occurred during the second trimester of pregnancy, the possibility of complications is Bigger Healing processes may take about weeks with bleeding that lasts longer. After an abortion, the woman is advised to take some rest and to massage and massage the uterus to stimulate the uterus to contract and return to its normal size.

Types of miscarriages

For any miscarriage, there is a specific scientific classification, and the group of actual and possible miscarriages can be classified as follows:

  • Threatened miscarriage: It is the condition that is associated with vaginal bleeding in the weeks of pregnancy that fall before week 20, in which case the cervix is ​​not open, and it is one of the signs of the continued growth of the fetus and the continued activity of the heart.
  • Real or inevitable abortion: A real abortion occurs when the pregnant woman suffers from vaginal bleeding from the uterus, and the cervix is ​​open, but the fetus is still inside the uterus, and the placenta has not yet fallen off. In this case, the mucous membranes surrounding the fetus are torn and maybe in their correct position.
  • Incomplete abortion: Incomplete abortion occurs when the uterus shrinks and expels the fetus or gestational sac and part of its appendages, while other parts of the placenta remain inside the woman's uterus, before the 20th week of pregnancy.
  • Complete or complete abortion: A complete abortion occurs when the gestational sac, the fetus, the blood and mucous membranes surrounding it, and the placenta are expelled, and complete closure of the cervix occurs before 20 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Missed abortion: a case in which the fetus dies inside the womb after hearing its heartbeat, as its heart stops working, but the uterus does not expel the fetus or the placenta through the vagina outside.
  • Recurrent miscarriage: Recurrent miscarriage is defined as the condition in which a woman experiences at least three pregnancy losses in a row.
  • Damaged egg: A damaged egg occurs due to defects in the woman’s egg or abnormalities in the sperm, in which case the gestational sac grows normally and is formed, but the gestational sac does not develop into a fetus after seven weeks of pregnancy.
  • Fetal death: a condition in which the pregnancy is lost after the 20th week of pregnancy when the fetus is expelled but is dead or unable to continue living outside the mother's womb.

What are the causes of miscarriage?

Miscarriages occur due to problems in the development of the egg or problems with fertilization and implantation of the egg in the uterine wall. The causes of pregnancy loss include:

  • Chromosomal problems: Chromosomal problems cause about half of the miscarriages, as chromosomal problems occur during the formation of the egg or sperm, or during the stage of division of the egg to form the fetus, where the body gets rid of the pregnancy because it cannot develop normally.
  • Functional problems: when a woman suffers from disturbances in the internal structure of the uterus or in the functional structure of the cervix.
  • Some diseases: such as German measles and sexually transmitted diseases because may lead to hormonal disorders.
  • Imbalances in the woman’s immune system: the woman’s immune cells deal with the cells of the fetus and placenta as foreign bodies, and this condition is the main cause of recurrent miscarriages, and the immune cells may deal with thyroid particles in a strange way that leads to pregnancy loss.

Miscarriage symptoms

The symptoms that indicate a miscarriage are as follows:

  • Bleeding from the initially brown vagina and light in color, but increases in abundance and is accompanied by tissues from the placenta.
  • Cramps and severe pain in the lower abdomen, pelvis, and lower back.
  • The disappearance of signs of pregnancy such as breast swelling and morning vomiting stopped at an early stage before the normal timing.

How can a miscarriage be avoided?

There is no specific way by which abortion can be prevented, especially if the pregnancy is highly threatening, and in general, doctors recommend reducing the hours of activity and not exercising any physical effort, especially in the case of vaginal bleeding, but most abortions are not caused by daily activities or the practice of marital relationship The risk of miscarriage recurring in the future can be reduced by adopting healthy lifestyles, good nutrition, taking the necessary supplements, and monitoring the pregnancy from its early stages with a doctor to identify potential problems and treat them before they lead to pregnancy loss.

When should a pregnant woman contact a doctor?

In the event of some symptoms, the woman should immediately tell the doctor, such as:

  • Heavy vaginal bleeding accompanied by abdominal cramps.
  • Feeling pain after having sex.
  • Exit cut cuts with bloody bleeding.
  • Discharge from the vagina with a bad smell.
  • High temperature of the pregnant woman to more than 38 degrees Celsius.

Medical treatment after miscarriage

In most cases of abortion, abortion occurs spontaneously without any medical procedure, medication, or operations:

  • The use of medicines: This is to increase uterine contractions and help the tissues come out with bleeding.
  • Dilation and curettage procedure: It is usually used if the miscarriage occurred after the first trimester of pregnancy, where the size and tissues of the fetus are relatively large. This procedure is used to remove all the remnants of the placenta or fetal tissue remaining in the uterus.
  • Induction medications: Induction medications are used if the miscarriage occurred after the 20th week of pregnancy and when the cervix is ​​open.

What are the risk factors for miscarriage?

Some factors can increase the risk of miscarriage in a woman, such as:

  • Having had repeated miscarriages in the past.
  • Aging: After the age of 35 years, problems with chromosomal abnormalities of the eggs increase.
  • Unhealthy practices such as drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Exposing the woman or her husband to chemicals or radiation.
  • Obesity, i.e. when the body mass index is high, the risk of miscarriage can increase.
  • Hormonal disorders such as polycystic ovary problems or disorders of the follicular phases in which a woman's estrogen levels are low can contribute to frequent miscarriages.
  • Having diabetes of all kinds before pregnancy.
  • Thyroid disorders that may cause an imbalance in a woman’s hormones.
  • Doing some medical procedures in the womb during pregnancy, such as cases of taking a sample of amniotic fluid or placental tissue.

Post-abortion tests

If a miscarriage occurs only once in the first trimester, no testing is often done, but when miscarriages occur during the second trimester or several times during the first trimester, the following tests are usually done:

  • Chromosome health tests in women and men.
  • Measuring the level of hormones in the blood or taking part of the endometrial cells to detect problems in the uterus.
  • Blood tests to look for problems with the immune system.
  • Examination of the uterus by ultrasound, hysteroscopy, or x-ray dye.

To recover from a miscarriage how long does it take for the body?

The duration of recovery from abortion varies from one woman to another depending on the age of the pregnancy during the abortion and other factors such as the method of abortion, and the period for the healing of the uterus and its return to its normal position ranges from weeks to months, but even after the abortion ends, the body continues to secrete some hormones for a certain period ranging from one month to It takes about two months for the body to restore the menstrual cycle to its normal state. As for psychological recovery from a miscarriage, it is considered more difficult, so the woman must take a psychological period to rest, go out with her husband, take a walk, and overcome the grief she feels for the loss of her fetus.

What is the right time to get pregnant after a miscarriage?

The appropriate timing for trying to get pregnant after an abortion depends on the psychological and health status of the woman and the man. It is preferable to wait until the period comes for at least one time, that is, to wait for a period of no less than two to three months before trying to get pregnant again, but psychological recovery from the abortion may take a longer period, so the husband must He should not pressure his wife into having sex, and he should use more gentle methods such as cuddling and touching hands, and not force her to have a full relationship.

Chances of getting pregnant after miscarriage

Most women can get pregnant after a miscarriage for the first time without any problems, as the body returns to its normal position and produces eggs after a short period, but if a miscarriage occurs several times in a row, the risk of miscarriage may rise. After a miscarriage for the first and second time, the probability of miscarriage is 20 to 28 percent, and after the third miscarriage, the miscarriage rate rises to 40 percent.

In conclusion, it was known when the cervix closes after an abortion, and it was found that several factors play a role in the return of the uterus to its normal state, during some abortions. Abortion.


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